Everything Be True
Check if the predicate (second argument) is truthy
on all elements of a collection (first argument).
Remember, you can access object properties through either dot notation
or [] notation
A truthy value is a value that translates to true when evaluated in a Boolean context.
All values are truthy unless they are defined as falsy (i.e. except for false, 0, “”, null, undefined and NaN).
function truthCheck(collection, pre) {
var count=0;
var res = true;
for (var i in collection) {
// console.log(collection[i]);
var obj = collection[i];
//check if each individual object of the tested array has a pre (or second argument) in place
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(pre)) {
var target = obj[pre];
if(Boolean(target)) {
// console.log("checking if its true");
// console.log(Boolean(target));
res = Boolean(target);
else {
console.log("checking if its false");
// res = Boolean(target);
} else {
if(count > 0) {
// console.log("this object has one or more false");
res = !res;
} else {
// console.log("this object has all true");
res = res;
return res;
truthCheck([{"user": "Tinky-Winky", "sex": "male"}, {"user": "Dipsy", "sex": "male"}, {"user": "Laa-Laa", "sex": "female"}, {"user": "Po", "sex": "female"}], "sex"); //should return true.
truthCheck([{"user": "Tinky-Winky", "sex": "male"}, {"user": "Dipsy"}, {"user": "Laa-Laa", "sex": "female"}, {"user": "Po", "sex": "female"}], "sex"); //should return false.
truthCheck([{"user": "Tinky-Winky", "sex": "male", "age": 0}, {"user": "Dipsy", "sex": "male", "age": 3}, {"user": "Laa-Laa", "sex": "female", "age": 5}, {"user": "Po", "sex": "female", "age": 4}], "age"); //should return false.
truthCheck([{"name": "Pete", "onBoat": true}, {"name": "Repeat", "onBoat": true}, {"name": "FastFoward", "onBoat": null}], "onBoat"); //should return false
truthCheck([{"name": "Pete", "onBoat": true}, {"name": "Repeat", "onBoat": true, "alias": "Repete"}, {"name": "FastFoward", "onBoat": true}], "onBoat"); //should return true
truthCheck([{"single": "yes"}], "single"); //should return true
truthCheck([{"single": ""}, {"single": "double"}], "single"); //should return false
truthCheck([{"single": "double"}, {"single": undefined}], "single"); //should return false
truthCheck([{"single": "double"}, {"single": NaN}], "single"); //should return false